spirit at any time

for Life is Over 'Life'
Let's see great people. What makes them (and you!) Could spirit all the time. Some of the principles below will be helpful:

 1. Awareness

Ever watch a football game? As viewers, we can see how all the players compete to move the ball, shift gears to each other, running, dodging, survive, and occasionally nyikut opponent. We can see the mistakes of the players. Also see the greatness-greatness. We cheered when the players do greatness. We also cried - but frustrated or angry - if they make mistakes.

Well, brother can you imagine if you become spectators, as well as football players last? If you can do for your everyday life, that is consciousness. The great football players have a high awareness. Physically, they are located on the ground, moving like the other players. But they are also moving consciousness. They are aware of their physical and what they think and feel. They are 'monitors' all the movements of other players. That's what makes them are in the right position.

When you are fully aware of yourself, then you become the master of your own self. You become a leader for yourself. You take control of your self. You are not only aware of the physical, mind, and your feelings. You are even aware of the battle within yourself. Yep, the battle within themselves between the ego (desire) and your conscience. You know inside you there is a battle. You are a spectator battle. To whom do you side with up to you. You have the power to choose one between them, or not vote at all. The power to choose is Free Will (Freedom Originator / Choosing)

 2. Free Will
Suppose you were a guest to my house. I offered you a drink: "Want to drink? Tea or Coffee? "What's your answer? When you answer the tea, then you just use the power of Free Choice (Free Choice). So also when you answer the coffee, free choice. You are free to choose not to drink anything, but my choice is limited by the offer.

You referred to activate the Free Will, if you answered: "If I'm drinking Durian Juice, Mr Supardi not mind do you?" Well, your choice is out of bounds that I created. Free Will you have active.

 Free Will is a force you to freely choose good things for you. People who have been conscious and active of his free will, then he would be easily choose sides with the conscience to beat and control the ego (desire). Two of these things is (consciousness and free will) that makes great people can always survive and out of various difficulties.

3. Confidence

A street musician won the Indonesian Idol. Yep, that's what has been Aris proved to us all. Where it starts winning? Confidence!. Aris conviction was the one who set fire to himself for an audition and undergo the process with gusto. Confidence what? The belief that he was worthy and capable to become Indonesian Idol. And his belief was true and proven.

 In Indonesia, many other singers who might have a greater ability of Aris. But they had no confidence. As a result, they do not act. They are silent and be a spectator only. That's why the ability is not a major factor in shaping the beliefs that burn. So what is the main factor? FREE WILL. Free Will make anyone could choose to believe even when other factors are not sure it makes.

So if you're poor, ugly, disabled, low education, living in villages, harassed by many people - including your parents should support you, intellect (IQ) is low and deceased, you can still choose to believe and have a dream to achieve success large. Even become convinced is the only hope you are to succeed it.

When your faith is unshakable, your spirit will continue to burn all the time. Indeed, it occasionally dim the fire spirit. But he will never die. He even continues to grow.

 4. The purpose of the burn.

 There is no purpose, no passion! A life without any purpose will weaken you. You will only live a very boring routine. Even had a goal was not necessarily to make your spirit at any time. You not only need just a destination. You need a destination that burns. The aim is to make you sleep late and wake up Fajr. A very important goal for yourself. Objectives that can make you willing to sacrifice anything deminya. Well, set a goal is like this, and your spirit will never achieve it off. The spirit will continue to smolder and burn you.

5. Willpower

Determination, super strong intention that makes you stand in any storm in achieving your goals. Commitment is an awareness of the difficulties that will confront on the road. With determination, you will only spirit when facing difficulties. You are aware, only by overcoming various difficulties is, then your desire will be achieved. Precisely the difficulty is you become a stronger person, more capable, more confident, and more vibrant. You also realize that man was created to deal with major difficulties. That is the belief of God in humans the largest.

 6. Discipline

Discipline is simply doing what is right and important to you. It does not matter whether it is right and important that you like or not. And it is very likely what is right and important that it is not fun, make you suffer and cause pain, physical pain, mental, financial, and social. But the discipline is really freeing your soul. Free and independent spirit that makes your spirit at any time.

 I wake up before Fajr. And this is - initially - very unpleasant. When the alarm on my phone yelling, physically I still want to sleep. Likewise, my thoughts and feelings. "Ah, more delicious nih. Five minutes here we go. " Fortunately, I realized, using the freewill to side with conscience. So every day, I wake up before Fajr discipline. And in every day, I actually felt calm and happy. Indeed, when we successfully overcome the difficulties, then that is the reward. And returns it's really worth it.

 7. Focus

Focus is a promise to be in your path, whatever happens at that point. If you have chosen to do business selling vegetables for example, then it remains on track, despite the difficulties ahead. When you stay in your lane (focus), then you will be more experts from time to time. Various difficulties in your path that you have been familiar, and you are skilled in addressing it. You even keep increasingly fast in doing so. While you will be treading the path from scratch. But your level continues to rise. You can never go back to zero again. That's the advantage of focus.

The problem with people who do not focus on is they have to start from zero continuously to the various paths they choose. And this is obviously a waste of resources.

 Well, brother ... good-spirited. Every time!